Have you ever thrown your hands up in the air and said, “I
give up! I just can’t do this anymore!” and then immediately collapsed on the floor
in a pile of sobs and snot? I would imagine that the New Year – with the relentless
bombardment of ads for diet programs, exercise equipment, and dating websites, as
well as the constant resolution-making (and breaking) – inspires these types of
moments in households across the globe. My household is no different. In fact, I’ve
only pulled myself together long enough to write this blog; if you’re looking
for me later, just follow the sniffles to the back of my closet.
Then I did a little research. (In retrospect, perhaps the
research should have come before I ruled out a gluten allergy, but I’ve never
been one to do things the easy – or smart – way.) I have to admit that I was
surprised at what I found. Gluten is
a Latin word which, not so surprisingly, means glue. Also not surprising?
Eating “glue” can wreak havoc on your body, specifically your digestive system.
(Add that to the list of things I wish I could go back and tell my 5-year-old
Here are some symptoms of a gluten allergy:
Diarrhea and/or constipation
Heartburn and/or "stomach
Joint pain
Brain fog
Headaches (including migraine)
Rashes and/or eczema
Tingling in arms and legs
Difficulty losing weight
Without getting too personal (after all, we've just met), I oftentimes find myself suffering from many of the above and have always attributed it to other things: poor circulation; dry skin; lack of sleep, fiber and/or water; etc. Don’t get me wrong, that may still be the case, but because I’m tired of feeling, for lack of a better word, icky – and because I’m trés trendy – I’m going to hop this gluten-free train. And if you find yourself in a similar situation, I hope you'll consider hopping it with me. (Misery loves company.)
Regardless, I look forward to sharing my journey with you: my victories, my defeats, my frustrations, my discoveries, my accomplishments, and, let's be honest, my many, many tears. (I'm a crier.) Here's hoping that we all come out on the other side of this healthier, happier, smarter, more athletic, more beautiful, richer, funnier, kinder and with shinier hair - or, at the very least, happier and healthier. It does sound a bit too easy: that all the evils of the world, or more specifically, my body, can be eliminated by removing this one thing from my diet, but, it’s worth a shot. At this point, I’d dye my hair purple and get a face tattoo of Justin Bieber if I thought it would make me feel better.
But let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
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